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How Will My Dental Office Ensure My Safety During the Pandemic?

May 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 11:25 pm
Dentist wearing protective equipment

Many changes have been made over the past few months to flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases. With so many new adjustments made to your life, going anywhere seems as if it could be a potential threat to you and your family. You believe going in for your regular dental visits is important, but is it worth the risk? To minimize your worries, your dentist in Melbourne can tell you how dental offices are adapting to this new normal in order to keep their patients and themselves safe.


What to Expect at Your Next Appointment When Your Dentist Reopens

May 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 11:14 pm
Person using hand sanitizer at dentist in Melbourne

During the COVID-19 pandemic, going anywhere can seem risky. In order to effectively practice social distancing, you need to stay six feet away from other people, avoid gatherings, and avoid touching surfaces that other people touch. Sitting in waiting rooms with other people before your dentist does work in your mouth seems like the last scenario you want to be in right now. Fortunately, your dentist in Melbourne can tell you about the new steps that dentists are taking to ensure the safety of their patients and themselves.
