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Why You’re Not Too Old for Adult Braces in Melbourne

December 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 9:04 pm
Older woman smiling

Have you considered straightening your smile in the past but haven’t because of the commitment to having braces for over 2 years? Unfortunately, this is a common problem that can cause patients to avoid orthodontics, which negatively affects their smile’s appearance and health. However, just because you’re older, doesn’t mean that you can’t straighten your teeth. Thankfully, adult braces in Melbourne can align your smile in a much shorter time and in a much more discreet way. Keep reading to see how your dentist can straighten your teeth using Six Month Smiles.


What Is Mouth Breathing? Insights from a Dentist in Melbourne

December 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 11:06 pm
woman covering ears while partner snores


Mouth breathing is a common condition that affects millions of Americans, especially children. Unfortunately, it has acquired a certain social stigma over the years, largely due to portrayals in popular media. In this post, we’re going to clear the air about this topic. Use this information along with the advice of your dentist in Melbourne to make informed healthcare choices for yourself and your family.


Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne Discusses Whitening Toothpaste

December 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyrosedmdteam @ 11:21 pm
tanned couple with whitened teeth

Suntans are popular here in Florida, and nothing sets off your tan better than a sparkling white smile. A trip through the toothpaste aisle of any drugstore offers a dizzying array of whitening options that can leave you confused about the best option. The convenience of DIY whitening is tempting, but long does it take, and does it really whiten your teeth as well as an in-office treatment by your cosmetic dentist in Melbourne? Find out the pros and cons of whitening toothpaste.
